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Audio Download: Mantra 2: Learn & Master the Long Medicine Buddha Mantra in Hindi (Sanskrit) (21:00)
This audio program teaches you to pronounce the Sanskrit Medicine Buddha Mantra, breaking it up into parts and repeating it phrase by phrase. After you master it (2-3 practices), you can chant it yourself or join in with the Longer Sanskrit Version of the mantra. Most people learn it in Tibetan, but the Sanskrit version is more like it was originally supposed to sound. At this speed, you can chant It at about 108 times per hour or the short version in about 25 minutes. Please, note that I was teaching this to English speakers and Chinese speakers, so the intro is in English and Chinese. Just pay attention to the English part and repeat the mantra. Priced for me to pay service charges only. Add some spirit to your cognitive therapy mindfulness.
https://insig.ht/KKBC7UCqyKb?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=live_stream_share (Note: you can't pause on Insight Timer. If you want a program you can pause or listen to multiple times, then purchase and down load them here. I highly suggest you listen to my programs many times for full effect.)
https://insig.ht/KKBC7UCqyKb?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=live_stream_share (Note: you can't pause on Insight Timer. If you want a program you can pause or listen to multiple times, then purchase and down load them here. I highly suggest you listen to my programs many times for full effect.)
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